Sunday, August 23, 2009

Good mood.

Despite my very strong suspicions that this current run of good feelings is soon to be toppled by some down-slide into negativity, I thought i'd try to embrace it.

In spite of their distance to me, I am very thankful for the people in my life. I was told the other day, that when I speak about my FH i glow. That's a pretty powerful thing and not something you can fake. I have a small group of VERY close friends and even though they're now scattered around, I still care about them just as much. Most of them easily jump right back into conversations like no time had passed at all. It's that safe sort of comfort that only comes with really good friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I appreciate you so much and YOUR friendship means the world to me. You are an incredible person in my life and a force that keeps me going. I love you ~EP