Saturday, October 4, 2008

I love snail mail because of ...

THIS SITE. It's amazing, I promise. It's great for the little push that I often need to get started being creative.

On a completely different note:
I'm browsing the internet to avoid two things. 1) the pile of tasks that I have assigned myself for this weekend and 2) the looming avalanch of memories and guilt and regret and pain and feelings of missing people. I think i'm even a little homesick.


NervousHabit said...

People miss you, too. I'll be journeying to Tally in a couple of weeks, I think, so I can drop off some audition DVDs at the clubs you have there. I would like very much to see you while I'm there. Let me know when a good weekend would be for you.

Stacia Howard said...

Just seeing if you were still wanting in on the halloween swap. Email back if you are. Thanks!

Leslie said...

I miss you, too. When did everything get so damn complicated and hard? Still love you, never stopped -- promise.